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As Lyle Rexer eloquently states, mirrors are a multiplication of existence or a reflection of abyss. One feels trapped within the mirrors, wandering between two images. Employing the technique of silver plate photography, a thin layer of silver-coated metal becomes the tangible image under light. However, do mirrors possess memories? Can they forget?

In the eyes of Plato, this type of visual perception is akin to shadows on a cave wall, copies of copies, while the original, singular, intangible, and non-visual form represents the ultimate goal of knowledge. Yet, we cannot escape the realm of illusory reproduction.

I have created five glass mirror cubes of different sizes and photographed them in diverse environments. On one hand, the richness of surface forms a multiplication of existence, while on the other hand, by creating a space that exists beyond the surface realm within the reflection's abyss, this power is negated. Each type of mirror carries its own history, supporters, and victims. We are acquainted with mirrors that possess generative and self-replicating characteristics, triggering questions of identity, illusion, and narcissism.

This art installation explores the concept of mirrors, as symbols that reflect reality and project our perceptions and fantasies onto the world. Mirrors play a pivotal role in our daily lives, evoking complex inquiries into self-awareness, authenticity, and representation. Through creative presentation and spatial arrangement, my intention is for viewers to experience the profound meanings concealed behind mirrors and to contemplate the impact of mirrors on our perception and cognition.










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